Patrick Kelly, BA (Hons) Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling and Psychotherapy
Co. Galway
(087) 783 7892 / (091) ​ 396490

The Oranmore Counselling Centre provides a strictly confidential service however there are some exceptions:
The client needs to be aware that the therapist uses a supervisor. Elements of the case may be discussed in these supervision sessions, however identifiable names and circumstances will be protected and remain confidential between the client and therapist in as far as humanly possible.
In the event that the therapist becomes aware that the client intends to, or has done harm to anyone including themselves, or is aware of harm been done or harm that will be done to anyone by a third party, the therapist reserves the right to discuss this matter with relevant agencies e.g. the client’s G.P., Social Services and or the Gardaà if deemed necessary. If such a need arises the therapist will endeavour to discuss this with the client before any action is taken.
Please also note I do not generally provide solicitor’s reports. Requests for these reports will be refused unless I am informed that this is the purpose of undergoing therapy, in advance.